Jori Fleisher, MD, MSCE, FAAN
Associate Professor; Director of the Rush LBDA Research Center of Excellence, CurePSP Center of Care, and AIMS Clinic; Co-Director of the Rush Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence
Rush University Medical Center

Jori Fleisher, MD, MSCE, FAAN, is an Associate Professor of Neurological Sciences at Rush University Medical Center, where she leads the Lewy Body Dementia Center of Excellence, CurePSP Center of Care, Advanced Interdisciplinary Movement Disorders Supportive Care (AIMS) Clinic and co-directs the Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence. Dr. Fleisher completed her movement disorders fellowship and Master’s in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research on novel models of care and caregiver support in late-stage parkinsonism has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, foundations, and philanthropy. She is dedicated to advocacy, mentoring, and outreach within the AAN and patient foundations.