Abstract submission is open now and will close at midnight on Monday, September 16, 2024.

The Illinois State Neurological Society would like to invite residents, fellows, medical students, and prospective trainees to submit an abstract or case report for poster presentation for the 8th Annual Illinois State Neurological Society Meeting, to be held on Saturday, October 19, 2024. The three top-scoring abstracts will be invited to give a 10-minute oral presentation during the meeting.

We are accepting research abstracts relating to basic, translational, and clinical neurological sciences of high relevance to the field of neurological care. Abstracts are permitted to have been presented at previous meetings in any format, however, the abstracts cannot have yet been published in accompanying full manuscript form. Each abstract submitted should have a faculty mentor or supervisor attached to the project and named as an author.

We are also accepting case reports of high quality, clinical interest, and scientific impact. Case reports should also have a faculty mentor or supervisor attached to the project and
named as an author. Case reports submitted can have been presented, but not previously published in manuscript form.


  • Submissions Open: July 17, 2024

  • Submissions Due: Monday, September 16, 2024.

  • Notifications: September 23, 2024

  • Conference Date: October 19, 2024

Abstract Preparation
The word count for all abstracts and case reports is 350 words, not including title, authors, affiliations, and disclosures. Do not include the authors or affiliations in the body of the
abstract. Tables, figures, graphs, and their legends are not considered part of the word count.

The SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT should have the following sections:
• Introduction: clearly state the purpose and rationale of the project
Methods: clearly describe selection of study population and statistical analyses
Results: clearly present results in a logical sequence
Conclusion: clearly highlight the most critical study findings and future directions

The CASE REPORT should have the following sections:
Introduction: clearly state the purpose and rationale of the case study
Case description/summary: clearly describe the events of case in chronological
order, including presentation, medical history, physical examination findings, and
investigative results. Include differential diagnosis, management, follow-up and
final diagnosis, if found.
Discussion: summarize case, put into context of known literature and practice
Conclusion: clearly highlight the most critical aspect and future directions
Abstract Submission Guidelines

Submission of Work Previously Presented
We will include in our review all abstracts that may have been previously presented in oral or poster format, however abstracts with accompanying manuscript that has already been published in peer-reviewed journals will not be considered.

All abstracts should be submitted in PDF format to with the email subject title “2024 ISNS Abstract Submission.” In the body of the email, the author
should clearly list their name, academic year, faculty advisor or mentor, and academic affiliation. Tables, figures, and graphs, if included, should be submitted in separate PDF
format along with the abstract and should be of high quality for review. All authors and coauthors are required to disclose any financial relationships in the body of the email. Any
questions regarding submission, please email

Notification of Abstract Acceptance
The Education Committee of the Illinois State Neurological Society will review all abstracts submitted. Notification of abstract acceptance/non-acceptance, along with notification
for the three top scorers expected to present their abstract in-person in the form of a 10-minute oral presentation during the meeting, will be sent to first authors by mid-September. Each first author will need to confirm their acceptance via email, including willingness to produce poster, or willingness to speak at the Meeting.